The forms listed below can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader (if you don’t have a copy of Adobe Reader it can be downloaded here).
Document Release Forms
- All initial requests for deeds information/release are to be emailed to
- Deeds will be processed on Thursdays upon receipt via email, post or hand delivery of any of the below completed and signed document release forms with attachments.
- All deeds for release are recommended to be collected. Collections are held on Friday mornings by appointment.
- All deeds posted are at the risk of the applicant/s. Deeds and documents requested to be posted will be sent via standard post, otherwise provide your prepaid express post/registered mail envelope.
- All deeds including paper and electronic Certificates of Title can only be released after LIV Verification of Identity has been satisfied.
Release of deeds via Enduring Power of Attorney: If a deed (not including a Will) is requested to be released via Enduring Power of Attorney, the applicant (or their solicitor) must provide us with contact details for the principal (or donor) of the Enduring Power of Attorney document. If the principal (or donor) no longer has capacity, certified copy evidence of their loss of capacity is required with the request in accordance with the Law Institute of Victoria’s Ethics Committee ruling. Last Will and Testament documents cannot be released to an Attorney unless specified in the testator’s Will, we are provided with a certified copy of an Order from VCAT authorising us to do so or the executor applies on the passing of the testator.
- Individuals
- Solicitors/Conveyancers
- Company
- Deceased estates
- Person who is incapacitated
- List of persons who can certify documents (NB. all pages are to be numbered and signed by the certifier in accordance with the Oaths & Affirmations Act 2018)
- LIV Verification of Identity
By Post
Rennick & Gaynor
PO Box 196
Camberwell VIC 3124
In Person
431 Riversdale Road
Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Suite 2,
200 Malop Street
Geelong VIC 3220
By Fax
(03) 9882 4120