In the event you or someone you know, has lost capacity without having a valid or appropriate Power of Attorney in place, applications can be made to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for Administration and/or Guardianship Orders which are detailed as follows:
Appointment of Administrator: | An Administrator is a person or organisation appointed by VCAT to make financial and legal decisions for someone who has a disability or has otherwise lost capacity and is unable to make their own decisions. |
Appointment of Guardian: | A Guardian is a person or organisation appointed by VCAT to make personal lifestyle decisions for someone who has a disability or has otherwise lost capacity and is unable to make their own decisions. |
Our Wills & Estates team can provide expert advice and assist you in lodging an Application to VCAT to be appointed as someone’s Administrator or Guardian and represent you at the VCAT Hearing to ensure that the best outcome is achieved.
Our firm’s depth of knowledge also comes from our firm’s Partner, Dan Minogue, having been appointed as Administrator or Guardian (or both) for individuals who are unable to make their own decisions in the past.